Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Last birth of Prabhu Parshva, Part V (Post 18)

Last posts of this series can be accessed at Had started with story of his last birth wherein Parshva Prabhu have just turned Young & Purshottam, royal messenger of King Ashvasen who had came with marriage proposal of Princess Prabhavti tells THAT THERE IS A PROBLEM....

Purshottam says on that King Yavan, King of state of Kaling is a very great king with great army & whenfrom he has heard about beauty of Princess Prabhavati, he wants to get her. Now he has sent his messenger to our kingdom saying that get Your Princess Prabhavati married to their King Yavan or else to face Battle. King Prasenjit has already denied for that marriage proposal.

Hence due to all this King Yavan is entering into battle with their state Kushsthal with his huge army & has embarked state of Kushsthal from all 4 sides. Purshottam concluded that due to all this, King Prasenjit has sought help from you, King Ashvasen. King Ashvasen assured purshottam that he shall surely help them as it is KSHATRIYA DHARM to fight against illegality for Justice & what King Yavan is doing is not legal.

King Ashvasen directs his Defence minister to get everything prepared for war. This side Parshvakumar comes to know from a soldier that his state is gearing up for a war so he goes to his father King Ashvasen & asks for details of what has happened. After knowing all details, he told his father that DOES IT LOOK BETTER THAT WHEN A KING HAS A YOUNG PRINCE, KING HIMSELF GOES FOR WAR? So please be rest assured & I SHALL LEAD ARMY & GO FOR WAR.

King Ashvasen was initially bit hesitant to send his young son Parshva for a war that too against one of the greatest King but Parshva Kumar satisfied King Ashvasen & himself took over preparations for the upcoming war with permission of King Ashvasen

LORD PARSHVA.. PARSHVAKUMAR at war shall follow in next part.

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